Ready to write a script like a pro?
Take your storytelling to the next level
Become the screenwriter you’ve always wanted to be
When you sit down to write a script, the blank page can be intimidating.
Why? Because screenwriting is unlike any other writing. There are a lot of things scripts need — story structure, character arcs, goals, conflict, and theme — but very limited space.
Screenplays are like blueprints. They’re the foundational yet skeletal plans upon which movie artisans will work their magic and translate your vision into the reality of a film or television show.
Choosing what to write on the page — what forwards the plot, makes the characters come to life, and allows the dialogue to ring true — must be done economically, yet creatively. It’s what makes the difference between a writer who wants to sell screenplays… and a screenwriter who does sell screenplays.
It’s not easy to create a world that is believable, relatable, and engaging — all in less than 120 pages. But there’s one simple truth any working screenwriter knows:
The secret to being a successful screenwriter is creativity, sticking with it, and a little bit of luck.

Creativity isn’t an issue; you have lots of ideas for screenplays, right? It’s so exciting to have all those amazing ideas swimming around in your head. But what do you do with them? You start to write — and begin really strong!! But then… ideas can sputter… languish… and fall apart. How can you craft a screenplay that will sell… if you can’t finish a screenplay?
It’s easy to come up with the basic idea for a story.
It’s hard to fill the rigid structure of a screenplay with that story.
But! With just a little planning, you can explore and strengthen your idea. Flesh it out. Discover the world and the characters, and find a way to write a screenplay from that first blush of an idea. Then, instead of fighting screenplay structure while trying to be creative, you get to stay creative while you write. Fun!

Writer’s block = not knowing where to go next
Writer’s block doesn’t happen because you don’t have great ideas. Because you do! We believe everyone has a great movie idea in them. You just have to know how to coax it out. Because to write a script, your story has to be strong enough to hold up the screenplay structure.
Why? Because to write a script for a movie, you have to think about not only the characters, world, or story… You also have to consider how they all fit together into that blueprint that is a screenplay.
You have to keep track of SO many things in screenwriting — both technical and creative. Unfortunately, it can be challenging to keep track of everything — not because we don’t want to, but because our brains are literally divided. With two sides, one technical and one creative, the human brain is only supposed to concentrate on one task at a time — creative OR technical. As a result, our brains struggle when thinking of both the creative story and technical script requirements of screenwriting.
Technical Aspects of Script Writing
- layers of plot and subplots
- story beats
- page counts
- act structure
- character arcs
- motivations
- protagonist goals
- universal themes
- setups & payoffs
- plot points
- world rules
- obstacles
- turning points
- story stakes
Phew. It’s a lot to keep track of.
That’s why we made Screenwriting Ninja. Our story development tools free your creativity, allowing you to have fun while you explore and discover your story — without worrying about the technical aspects of script writing. Ninja takes care of that for you!
Our Brainstorm Boards® and Ninja Apps™ help you tame the swirling vortex of ideas in your head so you can clearly develop the characters, dialogue, story, and world of your screenplay. You simply answer prompts, sparking ideas for your story as you go. Then, before you know it, your Writing Roadmap™ is complete, and you’re ready to write a fabulously creative (and technically sound!) screenplay. Fun!
Stop dreaming of becoming a screenwriter
Start creating sellable stories now
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Writing Ninja® helps you discover your story before writing, saving time and strengthening your story. Our fun, intuitive suite of story development tools takes you through three basic steps:
The 3 Steps to Write a Script
1) Develop the Core Idea — not only what happens, but also what it’s about (Theme)
2) Discover characters & world — explore ways to amplify conflict and develop unique dialogue
3) Map out a basic plot — so you can explore while you write… but also get to the end
• • •
But… what does Screenwriting Ninja do?
Screenwriting Ninja guides you through each step you need to write a script, one at a time. Our story development tools let you stay immersed in Creative Mode while guiding you to develop an amazing story for your script (or novel). So you can let Screenwriting Ninja worry about the technical stuff — while you have a great time coming up with the best possible version of your story.
From the first inkling of an idea through your final rewrite, Writing Ninja’s unique screenwriting tools empower you to build a better story. When you Brainstorm before you write, you can write a fantastic screenplay that can sell — from your very first draft!
Ready to play with some fun writers tools to write your script? We have a 100% free-forever trial. So come on in and have some fun!
Want to write a script that sells?

— Billy Wilder
Screenwriting Ninja is a suite of online writer’s tools that makes it really easy for writers to write professional-quality scripts and novels.