About Us
The Screenwriting Ninja Mission
We created our story development software because we love underdogs and dreamers.
Diablo Cody with Juno. Sylvester Stallone with Rocky. Michael Arndt with Little Miss Sunshine. (Remember what the dad, played by Greg Kinner, said in Little Miss Sunshine? “There’s two kinds of people in this world, there’s winners and there’s losers. Okay, you know what the difference is? Winners don’t give up.”) That’s who we made this software for: the screenwriters who don’t give up.
For every dreamer banging on a keyboard in coffee shops or at kitchen tables… for anyone who’s walls are covered in colored index cards instead of wallpaper… for the storytellers who are never too tired to be creative after their Day Job…. this story development software is for you.
Screenwriting Ninja makes it really easy for screenwriters (and novelists!) of all experience levels to develop professional, polished stories. Our story development software helps you create scripts that are chock full of everything producers want: fleshed-out characters speaking in distinctive voices who are doing interesting things in unique worlds.

Our Core Values
These six principles drive everything we do.

Empower Every Screenwriter… every step of the way
Everything we do goes through the lens of a new screenwriter. We want to help all screenwriters create better stories, regardless of experience level. We strive to inspire 1st-time storytellers, spec script veterans, and professional writers with our story development software.
Be Bold, Brave & Bootstrapped
As a self-funded company, we strive to delight our creative customers – but on our own terms, not chasing some VC’s idea of a profitable feature set. We’d rather be badass than big… daring instead of boring… different rather than same. We make kickass writing tools for kickass writers. Like you!
Have Serious Fun at Work
Everything’s better when served with a smile. So no matter how hard the grind of breaking in can get, we strive to make screenwriting as easy, enjoyable, and, dare we say, as fun as possible. We may make software, but we’re also people who really enjoy what we do. And we’re here for you!
Develop Stronger Stories… before you write
We’re all about sparking your creativity and streamlining your brainstorming & story development until it’s the process is smooth. Around the office, we call it the Smoove Test; “Is it smoove yet?” No? Then we keep going until it is. Smoother, better, stronger story development software to help you create smoother, better, stronger creative stories.
We’re Our Own Customer
We practice what we preach; we still develop and write feature screenplays. We use our platform to spark ideas while testing, developing, and iterating our writing tools. We can’t help it — it’s impossible not to get sucked in and be creative!
Equity, Equality & Diversity
We’re all in on inclusion. The time of being underused and overlooked is over. It’s the hour of the female screenwriter. The minority trailblazer. The stay-at-home parents who are chasing our dreams. It’s just… our time. So let’s gooo…!!

Founding Ninja
Hiya! 👋 I’m Noi Sabal, founder of Writing Ninja, and I’ve been writing screenplays for a loooong time (25+ years?! Yikes). After attending Emerson College for writing and UCF Film School for screenwriting and directing, I started my career in television. As an editor, I worked on a bunch of national episodic shows (see logos below), shaping stories and working with writers rooms. While I loved editing, my 1st love was always screenwriting. So between gigs, I taught storytelling at the university level, wrote feature screenplays, and coached other screenwriters. (In fact, the series of worksheets I developed for teaching became the inspiration for this story development software.)
My entire career has been brainstorming creative ideas, writing my own feature scripts, and helping other writers develop their stories and screenplays. And now I’m excited to inject all of my experience to our software and share it with you. Together, let’s spark some creativity!

Want to learn about screenwriting?
Check out our Ultimate Guide to Screenplay Writing! It’s packed with everything you need to know.
Why Story Development Software for Screenwriting?
Because screenwriting can be hard, but the right writer’s tools can make it easy — and super fun!
As a screenwriter for many years, Noi created a brainstorming system to help her efficiently produce stories. She developed a series of checklists, calendars, & spreadsheets until she fine-tuned a fun, creative, and efficient workflow that helped people write fiction. In 2017, she decided to turn these popular, helpful worksheets into an online platform for fiction writers to develop novels and screenplays. And thus, Screenwriting Ninja was born!

— Billy Wilder
Want to have some writing fun?
Try our story development software! It’s packed with writer’s tools you can use for free!
